Angel Kidney Care Dialysis Prevention Unit

Not a common practice in today’s medicine, Angel Kidney Care Dialysis Prevention Unit has an eye for safely taking patients off of dialysis.

This facility has 20 stations and operates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from
7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This facility provides treatment to people who need dialysis. But most importantly, it focuses on the ability of patients’ own kidneys to recover thus allowing either total cessation of dialysis treatments or fewer dialysis treatments per week (two times a week) which we call partial dialysis. This approach is not a common practice in today’s medicine as the conventional dialysis treatment normally takes place three times a week.

At Angel Kidney Care Dialysis Prevention Unit, many patients have successfully enjoyed the partial or total elimination of unnecessary dialysis.

The motto at this facility is: “We stop unnecessary dialysis!” Achievement for total cessation or partial need for dialysis depends on the individual’s degree of kidney disease and their ability to comply and follow instructions and protocols of Dance Away ESRD Therapy. ESRD is end stage renal disease and is when dialysis is required. Utilizing the protocols provided through this method, patients are educated on alternative dietary, medical and lifestyle methodologies that helps protect kidney function and reverse the insult.

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